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Monday, 17 September 2007


Long TimeZzzz no blog le ... so Boring abt wat is coming up soon ... is my reserives ... is so close until can say tat just 1 glance is reaching...

Just having my B'day party on 15th of sept (Fri)... <-- hmm... not counted as mine's la ... we drink till like hell after the Cake cutting i am totally Hang .. dunno wat did i do next hahax ...

Wanna say sorry to (bro)jason ... nv drink with u n acc u .. haix ... So sorry ...
tat day can say is a Fuck tuck day ... so many unhappy things happen ... dunno wat the Fuck is tat sia ...

For everyone which see my bloggie ... dun avoid anything face it ... like me ... i dunno wat am i doing now ... but i can tell u is one day i maybe somebody who's knows ... having confidence in yourseft is better than even yourseft also look down on yourseft ... So take yourseft to look in the mirror wat do u want ... if u want it go ahead for it ... dun let any chance passed ... having more chances is better than regrets ....

Although i dun talk so much to a Friend (Stanley)... i know your pain ... think about it ... if she is the type of girls like tat ... will u feel any security be together with her again ... And 1 things because of Girls ... u also can see who is your real true Friends ... Dun be Sad ... still got your Friends n many many chom chom outside for U ... Just joking ... hahax

Although i dun have many Friends ... i will not say a NO to my Friends ... so i wanna Help u please dun say NO ... once i treat u as Friends tats mean is forever ...

Tat's all for Today Le ...
Hungry liao going to Eat my Lunch ... =X
Take care all my Friends and Brothers.....

Written out at 3:59 pm

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Thursday, 6 September 2007

Finally, 1 of my Wish Completed... Hope u both Xin Fu and Happy ... All the best to You Both =-)

About me .....
Started with alot of Worries ... Because Dunno wat my Bii Bii is Trying to Do on my B'day ...
but anyway She is so Simple, Blur and .... Till i dun have a words to Say For Her ... I still Love her alot ... She is changing into a person tat i did not expected ...

Anyway My B'day coming ... Those ppl who read is bloggie Dun Pretended u never see hor ...
Must buy me present ... =X

My Wish List still left in ...
Bro(Wei Chiang) Find his beloved one ...

Hoping my Frens will be around Celebrating my B'day ... Dun need buy Present Never mind ... Treat me eat can le ... hahax =P

Tat's all For Today le ...

Written out at 5:51 am

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Saturday, 1 September 2007

Today wake Up in the Morning ... Going for my new job Training ... Is tiring but is also funny ... Because has been laughed the whole Morning till Afternoon ... Making Fun on ppl tat keep asking stupid Question ... haha lolx ... Dunno really can crop with my new job anot ... haix dun wish to think so much ...

Ended For My New Job Blog...

Sadly to say tat my Reservice falls on my B'Day ... Haix how come i so suan one ... Somemore still need to Reservice For 10 Days ... Really dunno how to pass the 10 days ... thinking of taking .. wahahaha lolx ... but cant leh ... Haix ... Boring ...

Ended For 1 Of The Sad Things On My B'day...

My Birthday For this year i think most possible Just go out and eat only ... really dunno where to celebrate ... And i Short of .... Haix ... So many things happened this 2 Months ... Issit a Unlucky Aug and Sept ? Who would know tat .... haix ...

Tats All For Today Le ...
Dun Feel Like Writing Le ...

-Sleepy- Vin3vin3 *Yawn* *Yawn*

Is Time To Sleep Le =P ... Gd Nite

Written out at 10:21 pm

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About Me

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Name : Vin3vin3 Ng
Age : 22 Yrs Old
Race : Chinese

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My Characteristic

Anything(Qin Cai)

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My Beloved Girl

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Blur
1 "B" And 3 "S" = Her
I Love You So Muchie

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My Friends!

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My Wish List

[ ]A Job
[ ]Mp3 Player
[ ]Honda interga
[ ]New Handphone
[ ]Trip to Taiwan again
[ ]My Younger Sis Entering To Poly
[ ]Daddy Lessen Down His Drink Session
[ ]Mummy Be Happier And Happier Everyday

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Chatter Box

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The Past!
| August 2007| September 2007| October 2007| November 2007

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My Mp3 List!

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