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Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Another Pointless & Boring Days ... Haix ... wat to do ...

Same things, Same Routine Happened

Really Need To Find A Job And Do Liao

Cannot Be Like Tat Everyday Really Will Die

Will Die = Zou Bo Ji Ki Lan

Time Really Pass So Fast ...

Last Year Just Celebrated My Birthday But My Birthday Coming Soon Again...

HaaHaa ... Dunno This Year Celebration Will Have Any Happening Things Happens?

One More Things Really Passed So Fast Too ... Me & My Ah Bii Bii

Going to Be Together For 1 & a Half Years Le =X

Hoping all My Fren Be Happy ...

1)Hope My Ah Bii Bii Can Stay Happy Everyday Dun Think So Much Stupid Things

2)Hope Ah Chiang Can Find His Beloved one ...

3)Hope Jason can Find His Beloved one Also ...

4)Hope Me Can Faster Find a Job ...

I Stop here le ... Dun Feel like writing le ...
Hmmm ... Dun Feel Like Writing is Excuse ... Dunno wat to Write is Truth Haax =X

Written out at 6:01 am

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Sunday, 26 August 2007

Today sleep till very late ... Someone Peep on my Boggie ... Nothing to do ... so boring ... going for my Fwo Online again ... Helping My Bro( Jason) to Lvling... today target lvl 70 ... Can we make it ?
i stop here le ...

Written out at 11:37 pm

Is time to go sleep le ... i am trying to get ready for the monday Job Hunting hopefully this time will not be getting disappointed back to me again ... Money now is like my life getting lesser and lesser ... hopefully blogging can make me feel better ... dun feel like tell anyone what i am thinking anymore ... because when i started talking is mostly having mood swing i dun wanna blow my temper on my friend/gf/family ... let me be alone ba ... maybe i feel it better inside here ...
i stop here le .....

Written out at 8:32 am

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Saturday, 25 August 2007

My First Blog... Already Morning 07.30... i still cant sleep ... many things to think about ... can anyone help ?? i think there will be nobody will be there with me ... my heart feel tat i already become useless/only Sleep and eat... Feeling that i really can find something and do(Job) but is so difficult for me ... if i compared me n my friend/bro(Jason) i think he will find job easily than me ... because i only have a 'N' level Cert ...
Tears Drop down really feel it ... painful n painful haix ...

Written out at 7:30 am

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About Me

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Name : Vin3vin3 Ng
Age : 22 Yrs Old
Race : Chinese

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My Characteristic

Anything(Qin Cai)

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My Beloved Girl

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1 "B" And 3 "S" = Her
I Love You So Muchie

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My Friends!

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My Wish List

[ ]A Job
[ ]Mp3 Player
[ ]Honda interga
[ ]New Handphone
[ ]Trip to Taiwan again
[ ]My Younger Sis Entering To Poly
[ ]Daddy Lessen Down His Drink Session
[ ]Mummy Be Happier And Happier Everyday

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Chatter Box

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The Past!
| August 2007| September 2007| October 2007| November 2007

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My Mp3 List!

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