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Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Sad But Interesting Day

Sleep Very Late On Sunday Nite ... But Wake Up Very Early On Monday Morning ... Due To Going To CMPB For The Stupid IPPT Things And Also Waste My Money To The Trip There And Back ... The Matters Only Last For About Half And Hours Time ...

Knowing That My BiiBii Would Not Eat Her Lunch Without Me ... So I Decided To Pack Lunch At Near By CMPB Which Is At Depot Road ... Packed Fish Soup, Seafood Soup And Carrot Cake For Our Lunch ...

Then I Decided To Go For Prawning Session ... So BiiBii Called Up To Her Bro And Ask Whether He And His Gf Wanna Go With Us ... Then Everything Get Comfirm At About 4 Plus ... Then Me And Biibii Take Bus To Go To West Coast Fishing Tackle Shop To Get My Prawning Equipments ... Then We Headed Back Home To Put My Lappy As We Meet Biibii's Bro At CCK MRT Station ...

We Took Cab Over To FarmMart To Start Our Prawning Session ... Before We Started ... I Need To Set-Up My Rods ... I Then Realised That My Prawning Rods Is Short ... Even Shorter Than The Rental One ... Prawn Till I and Angry And Dulan ... The Angry And Dulan Lasted For Around 1 hours ... Then The Uncle Which Is Taking Charge Over There Walk Over And Asked Me How Is The Result For Today ... Then I Asked Him About The New Prawning Rods Stocks ... Issit Arrived ? Though The Stocks Have Arrived But I Dun Really Wanna Spend The Money And Buy Becos We Have Not Much Left ... The Biibii Say That She Go Over And See See How's The Rods ... After A Few Mins ... Biibii Take 1 Rods Walk Over To Me ... I Suddenly Shocked ... Becos I Thought She Brought It ... Haax ... The She Say Wanna Let Me See See Only .... She Haven Pay Yet ... But Biibii Ask Me Whether Wanna Buy Anot ... I Tell Her I Leave The Decision To Her .... Then She Ask Me Zuo Zhu ... Then I Say Ok Lor ... As We Brought It Down ... Wanna See My New Rods And The Result We Caught ... See Below Ba ...

Heex ... My New 9 Ft Rod ...

This Is The Result We Caught ...

To Jason(Bro).::. Haax ... Gathering For Fishing Liao ... U Now Need Healthy LifeStyle ... Cannot Drink And Smoke

To BiiBii .::. Thank You For Being Understanding ... And Treated Me So Good ... I Really Get Touched ... Muacks I Love You

Written out at 8:36 pm

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Saturday, 17 November 2007

Finally Back For Bloggie After So Long ... Hahahax
Last Few Weeks Was Busy Fishing So Does Not Have The Mood And Lazy To Blog ...
Really So Much Things Is Unpredictable ... Sad Things Is Already Pass ... Dun Wish To Say Again ...

Continue My Fishing Diary ...
Caught Quite Alot Of Fish ... Until BiiBii House Fridge Full Of Fish ... Haax
Those Pic Below Is The Result I Caught

This Is Caught Of The Days At Marina South ...
Haax ... Caught 2 Fish With 1 Rod ...
So Lucky

This Is The Result Caught At Marina South
Total 7 Fish ...

Is Exciting When You Kana Fish And Fight Fish ....But Is Really Tired And Angry To Cut All The Fish ... Hahax

Say Finish Everything... I Also Tired ...
Blog Till Here Le ...
Changing Blog Skin In-Progress ...

Vin3Vin3 =P

Written out at 6:29 pm

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Friday, 19 October 2007

A Free Or Busy Days ?

Dunno Whether Today Is A Free Or Busy Days ... Wake Up Very Early In The Morning ...
Because Yesterday Night I'm Not Sleeping In My Own House ... Yesterday Midnight i Meetup Jason To Have My Dinner Cum Supper ... Then Come To His House And Slack ...
Really Boring But Is Fun And Time Passed So Fast ...

Wake Up In The Early Morning ... Really So Boring And Nothing To Do ...
Feeling Hungry But Everyone Is Still Sleeping ... Haahaa lolx ... I Wanna Become Midnight Ghost Liao ... Sleep Not Few Hours I Wake Up Le ...
Later Afternoon I Think Going To Giant ... Because Need To Help My Sis To Buy Her Saturday BBQ Things ... Because Saturday Is Her Birthday Celebration ...
Think Of Tomorrow Dunno The Weather Will Be Bad Or Good? Because This Few Days All Is Foul Weather ... If Raining How To BBQ Sia ... Haahaa Lolx ...
But Really Hopefully Everything Can Be Done Good And Best For Tomorrow ...
Even The Weather To Be Good ...

Stopped Here As I Don't Wat To Write Le .... =X

-Notes- Happiness And Sadness Are Just A Passerby ... The Most Important Things Is ... Please Dun Stay Or Live With Regrets ... Because Regret Is More Painful Than Sadness And Happiness ...

-Adeline(Mei)- Wish You A Happy 19th Birthdays First ... Hope All Your Wishes Come True ...

-BiiBii- Sha Dan ... Thanks For Everything You Do For Me ... U r My Everythings ... I Love You Muacks Muacks

-Harry- For This Incidents ... You Should Know Yr Mistakes Rite ... Watever Sim Card Lost Or Wat Friendster And Bloggie Kana Hack ... Is Does Not Matter ... If U Wanna Throw Temper Next Time ... Think Before Doing It ... If Not ... I will Not Talk Sweetly Like This ... U Are Hurting All Of Yr Frens ...

Written out at 12:11 pm

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Thursday, 18 October 2007

Time Passed So Fast

Wooooooh ... Long Time Nv Blog Le ... But Really Passed So Fast ... Haix ....
Friendship Issit So Easily to Break it ? Haix ... Y U Choose To Avoid ...
Like Bo Hua Sia ... Just Because 1 Outing I Lost 1 Fren ... Haix ...
Things Are Really Unpredictable ...

Woke Up Quite Early In This Morning ... Go Out To Meet Jason To Have My Lunch ...
We Meetup At Jp(Jurong Point) ... Then We Discuss Whether Where To Have Our Lunch ....
Then i Suggested To Go Crystal Jade To Makan ...
After Makan ... We Go Walk Walk And Buy Things ... Guess Wat We Have Brought ...
A Very Girlish Things Which Jason Wanna Use It For The Holloween Night Which He Say is on The 5th Of Nov ... He Brought Nail Polish To Paint His Finger Nails ... Sound Weird Rite ...
I Think He Mad Liao ... Hahahaha Lolx ...

Completed Buying His Things And We Go To His House ... I Help His Fren To Do Her Blog ...
Finally I Done It Before We Go Out ... To Have Our Dinner ... We Go My Mother-In-Law There To Have Our Dinner Which Is Chicken Rice ... Is So Full After Eaten Everythings ...

But After That We Go To West Mall ... To Walk Walk Again ... To Buy The Spray For Jason Stupid Ears ... Then We All Are Tired ... He Come Over My House To Slack ...
Sian ... Stopped Here ...

-Harry- If U Happen To See My Bloggie ... Avoid Is Not A Good Solution To Solve Problem ...
If U Choose The Ways ...
Tat's Mean U Wanna End This Friendship ... Then Let It Be ...

-Angel- I Update Le ... =P

Written out at 12:31 am

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Sunday, 14 October 2007

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Before Going Down To Tiong Pagar is A Very Happy Days ... See Everyone Eating Steamboat And Drinking Beers Together ... Is Really Very Hard To Make All Ppl Eating, Drinking, Chatting And Laughing Together ... We Drink Really Alots See Those Pic Below ...

<-- This = Can Causes Happy Things And Unhappy Thing...
But Today Unhappy Things Happened ...

As i Say On Top Unhappy Things Really Happen ...Because Of Today Things ... I Find it Very Angry ... We r All Friends ... Because Of 1 Ppl Bad Temper Saying Those Words Tat Are Hurting Ppl And Showing Wat Yr Temper is ... Today Dinner Will Not Be Spoiled ... Dun wish To Say So Much ... Stop All This Nonsense ... Wat For Because When u Are Drunk U Say Those Words Out ... We Are All Friend ... Not Yr Fucking Venting Machine ... Without Any Reason ... U Fuck Ppl ... U Think Tat Is Reasonable

Think About Wat Ever Things U Do ... Friendship Is Hard To Get It And Also Is Really A Fate To Get Together In A Family ... So Treasure it ...

No Matters Is Good Or Bad ... If All This Things Happen ... Stop Drinking la ...
Drink Till So Xin Ku Drink For Wat ... Drinking Is Leisure And Relaxing ... Not Drink And Blow Your Temper Out ... Know Your Limits ... Know Wat U Saying ...
I Not Drinking With You All Le ... I Find Tat Is Meaningless ...

Stopped Here ... No Mood To Carry On ...

Written out at 3:26 am

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Saturday, 13 October 2007

Boring But Funny Days ...

Today Wake Up Late ... Because Of Yesterday Mahjong Session ... About 12 Plus Pm In The Afternoon Go Sleep ... Wake Up About 8 Plus Pm At Night ... Nothing Special Today ... Had Finish My Dinner Then Watch Tv Till About 11 Plus Then Play Com Le ...

Whole Night Play The Online Pool Game ... Haha lolx ... Quite Boring But Is Fun ... Now Then I Know Online Pool Game Also Can Play Real Cash One ... But Like Bo Hua Sia ... Tonight I Think Going To Pub And Drink Again ... Abit Sian But Looking Forward For The SteamBoat Session Tonight ... Haha lolx ... Think Tonight Unable To Blog Again ... Because Dunno Will Be Tired Or Drunk Anot ...

-BiiBii- My Beloved BiiBii ... Happy 1 And The Half Years Anniversary ... Dun Be Angry For Never Go Out Today Wor ... Because Not On The Date 12 Is Only Our Anniversary But ... Together With You ... Everyday Also Our Anniversary ... I Love You ... Sorry To Make You Cry Again ... Really A Sha Dan ... Muack Muack ...

-Jason- Bro Take Care Of Yourself Ba ... I Sick Finish Is Your Turn To Sick Wor ... So Poor Thing Sia ... Haha lolx ... Enjoy Finish This Week Ba ... Next Week We Must Work Hard Liao ... Cannot Slack Anymore ... Take Care ....

-Chiang- Dude Like Long Time No See You Liao Leh ... Can At Least Use Msn And Chat Anot ... U Like Lost In Outer Space Sia ... Cya ... Miss U =P

-Harry- Dun Keep On Drinking Liao ... Really Hurt Body Sia ... And 2nd Things Is Time To Find Your Wife Liao ... U Not Young Liao Hor ... =X

Stopped Here Le ... Tired Going To Sleep ... Going Out Tonight

Written out at 8:38 am

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Thursday, 11 October 2007

Another Same Days Passed ...

Haix ... Another Days Tat's Having Same Routine And Things Happens ...
Time Passed So Slow Tat Now Only Going To 5Am ...
Today Wake Up At Around 4.30pm ... Wake Up Because Jason Called me ...

See Newspaper In The Morning ... Because Looking For Any Good Job For Me And Jason To Interview ... See Liao Only 1 Words Can Say "None" ... Haix ... Wat to Do ??

Stupid Biibii Today Delete Her Own Blog ... When I Just Done With Her Bloggie Background ...
Then I Got Do It Again ... Like Redo Like Tat ... Hmpf! Hmpf! Sha Dan

-Notes- Friendship Can Get It Easily But Hard To Maintain ... And Also Hard To Trust ...
Because Even Yr Good Friend Also Will Betray You ...

-Jason- We Everyday Can Walk Into Levis Shop ... They Everyday Open one ...
But No Money Buy Only ... Haha lolx ...

-BiiBii- Dun Think So Much Le ... If u Find Tat Is Worth To Work There ... Then Carry On ...
But Rmb 1 Things ... Wat Even Obstrution And Complain Over There ...
I Will Alway Be There For You ... I Love You ...

-Angel- So Happy For You ... Because You Are Doing A Right Things Now ...
Rmb Dun Leave Any Regret ... In A Life Time Rather Have More Sad Or Happy Things
Than Regret ... Good Luck And Happy Waiting ... Take Care ... Cya

-Jerky- You Lost In Space Liao Ah ... No News About You Sia ... I Miss You ... You Know ...
*Vomit**Vomit* Free Meet For Chat Ba ... Take Care...

-Harry- So How When You Wanna Ask Me To Edit Yr Bloggie ??
You Like Business Man Leh ... So Busy One ... U Do Million Over Business Wor ...
Borrow 1,000,000 Over To Spent Leh ... Haha lolx ... Take Care Also ... Cya

Stopped Here Le ... *Gone Sleep*

Written out at 4:42 am

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About Me

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Name : Vin3vin3 Ng
Age : 22 Yrs Old
Race : Chinese

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My Characteristic

Anything(Qin Cai)

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My Beloved Girl

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1 "B" And 3 "S" = Her
I Love You So Muchie

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My Friends!

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My Wish List

[ ]A Job
[ ]Mp3 Player
[ ]Honda interga
[ ]New Handphone
[ ]Trip to Taiwan again
[ ]My Younger Sis Entering To Poly
[ ]Daddy Lessen Down His Drink Session
[ ]Mummy Be Happier And Happier Everyday

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Chatter Box

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The Past!
| August 2007| September 2007| October 2007| November 2007

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My Mp3 List!

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